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RobAFIS competition

RobAFIS, concours Ingénierie de l'AFIS
Logo RobAFIS

From Systems Engineering to Engineering of a System

RobAFISTM is an annual competition organized by the 'Training & Competences' Technical Committee of AFIS.

It is opened to students, clubs members and associations from french speaking Universities.

Main objective is to enable students to practice, in a collaborative way, engineering process and methods on a complex system covering all life-cycle stages, including definition, design, implementation, maintenance and operation.

Practically, an Initial Statement of Work is given by the organisation team to candidates, who are asked to propose the best solution, including software elements, physical elements and humans elements at the same time. Physical components are on a mandatory list coming from a Mekeblock kit.

Assesement occurs according to 2 main criteria:

  • assessment of technical referential delivered by each team, based on System Definition Dossier ;
  • operational assessment of realised system, thanks a final phase of the competition in which robots will be tested in operations, realising missions defined in the Statement Of Work.

Contact : robafis@afis.fr


System Engineering process & methods


Major annual events organized by the AFIS since 2005, grouping each year around 10 to 12 teams (60 to 80 students), based on a 2 day final competition.

Each team has to be composed of at leat 3 students, including one Project Manager, and a Pedagocial Referent from the University Teachers community.

RobAFIS™ is above all a competition supporting students trainings to system engineering process and methods.

It offers a unique opportunity to put in place process and methods, but it is also a framework for students to exchanges with professionals, discussing all along the competition and during debriefing sessions organised individually, for each team, during the final stage.

Many Universities consider RobAFIS competition as a key element in their Training cursus.

Organisation & Sponsoring

RobAFIS - Previous edition

RobAFIS - Past editions

ROBAFIS competitions documentation