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Systems Engineering

AFIS / Our activities / Systems Engineering

What is Systems Engineering ?

Our society leads to the creation of Systems and products that are becoming more and more complex and multifunctional. Such a globalisation even tends to integrate such systems and products to Systems-Of-Systems such as Transportation systems, telecommunication, localisation etc. Our daily produits are becoming themselves complex and multifunctional systems. Our car present several features and capabilities as driver assistance, driving, or safety and security. Our smartphones are connected to multiples products and systems providing us access to multiple services.

Mastering products and systems increasing complexity is the core of our passionnate job: Systems Engineering.

Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the full life cycle of successful product, service and enterprise systems. It includes problem discovery and formulation, solution definition and realization, and operational use, sustainment, and disposal. It can be applied to single problem situations or to the management of multiple interventions in commercial or public enterprises. (SE BoK)

Getting into details, Systems Engineering can be defined as:
  • a collaborative and multidisciplinary process to solve problems;
  • based on knowledge regarding methods and technics coming from sciences and experiences;
  • deployed to define, update and verify a system definition (set of interacting items such as hardware, software, human competences and process)
  • bringing a solution to an operational and identified need, according to mesurable efficiency criteria,
  • satisfaying needs, expectations and constraints of the complete set of stakeholders and being acceptable for the environment,
  • looking for equilibrium and optimization insurance for all glabl economics aspects of the solution for life cycle stages of the system of interest.
For the customer and its associated stakeholders, Systems Engineering aims at ensuring adequation between the solution and all types of needs (functionality, performances, economical, security,…) according to all life-cycle stages, from operations to disposal. For the project manager and its associated stakeholders, Systems Engineering aims at defining the good compromis between stakes and constraints both of the solution and the project (needs, expectations, performances, industrial and technical constraints, costs, delays, and risks).

La complexification de la société conduit à la création de systèmes et de produits de plus en plus complexes et multifonctionnels. Sa globalisation conduit à l’intégration de ces systèmes et produits en systèmes de systèmes. Les systèmes de transport, de télécommunication, de localisation en donnent des exemples. Nos objets courants deviennent eux-mêmes des produits multifonctionnels complexes. Notre voiture présente de multiples aides à la navigation, la conduite, la sécurité. Notre téléphone relié à de multiples systèmes nous donne accès à une multitude de services.

Maîtriser ces systèmes et produits complexes caractérise notre métier: l’Ingénierie Système.

Systems Engineering Learning

The best way to discover and learn about Systems Engineering is to become an AFIS member, having full access to AFIS library which gathers knowledge outcoming from Technical Committees and several scientifc events. It worth also mentioning that AFIS has strongly contributed to the definition of Systems Engineering Body Of Knowledge, as INCOSE French Chapter. Such a System Engineering Guide is fully available online for free.

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Systems Engineering standardization

The AFIS collaborates with  the AFNOR through several members involved in standardization activities, in several french organisations (AFNOR, BNAE…) and international organisations (ISO, IEC, CEN…)

The AFIS is member of the AFNORS thanks to a dedicated ‘collective’ contract enabling 3 AFIS members to be registered to the Commission de Normalisation Ingénierie et Qualité Logiciel et Système (CN IQLS), and being so allowed to contribute to standardization projects , especially at ISO. Such CN IQLS AFNOR is the mirroring of the french committee ISO/JTC1/SC7  dealing with ‘Systems and Software Engineering’ standards, and of JTC1/SC40 related to ‘IT Service Management & gouvernance ».

Moreover, CN IQLS President is, since 2021, the Associate Director of AFIS for Normalisation. It facilitates colloboration between our two associations.

Note also that INCOSE is an official liaison body of ISO/JTC1/SC7 committee, enabling contribution to ISO standardization projects, without having a right to vote when national investigation. The AFIS, as French National Chapter of INCOSE, can be informed and can contribute to ISO/JTC1/SC7 standaridization activities, in collaboration with INCOSE.
